Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with your weekly updates. I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend afforded to us by Veterans Day. On that note, I want to once again thank the Early College Communications Team and other scholars who assisted in hosting a wonderful Veterans Day Program last Thursday. It was nice to see the number of Veterans who attended. The event was first-class and demonstrated just how talented our scholars truly are. This week’s announcements are as follows: · We are quickly approaching EOC testing and End-of-Semester teacher-made exams. Again, I encourage families to minimize scholar absences as our teachers are providing critical instruction to prepare them. · On Tuesday, a select group of scholars will be touring Campbell University to meet with their Admissions team and learn about the opportunities that exist for those who may decide to attend the university. · Individual pictures for scholars in grades 9-12 will be distributed during AVID classes on Monday and Tuesday. Class of 2024 make-up pictures will be taken on Wednesday. As always, I encourage you to visit our website to remain informed of upcoming events. Enjoy your evening!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Buy Your Grateful Grams this week to supporting SGA!
On behalf of the Early College High School, we want to say Happy Veterans Day to those who have served our country. The Communications Team sponsored the Second Annual Veterans Day Event honoring our special guest, Reverend Al Louis Cooper. We also want to thank Dr. McGeachy, Principal, and Mr. Batts, Social Studies Teacher for their service.
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Veterans Day Event 2023
Reverebd Al Louis Cooper
ECHS Scholars: Purchase your Grateful Grams today! See the attached flyer for more information!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Grateful Grams
Congratulations to our Early College Scholars who made the "A" and 'A/B" Honor Roll. Please look at the News Section of our website for the presentation of scholars who made the honor roll. We are proud of you!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Scholars for making the "A Honor Roll"
Congratulations Scholars for making the "A/B Honor Roll"
Morning Announcements for November 6, 2023: NC governor's school applications are now open. Mrs. Sweet sent out the information, please email her if you have further questions. Applications are due to Mrs. Sweet by December 1st. Please ask your teachers for recommendations early. Please be sure to check your emails for volunteer opportunities Mrs. Sweet has sent out. VOLUNTEER FORMS ARE IN THE KIOSK, which is located at the front office. Please do not kick soccer balls in the grill or engage in horseplaying. Please be mindful of the noise level in all areas of the school and Nash Community College. Students are asked to put their Crocs in sports mode, and should keep their shoes in sports mode! If you are out of dress code and you can not get your parents to bring clothes, you will be sent to ISS for the day. Only one earbud can be worn while you are in transition, they must be taken out during class. Our FCA club is meeting every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. in the downstairs D lobby for student-led devotion. Please feel free to join them. The Eagles Communications Team is organizing a Veteran's Day assembly on November 9th and is having an essay/poetry contest for the students. This event is open to families and friends. If you plan to have outside guests, please fill out the request form that Mrs. Sweet is sending out today. The flyer is posted to this message. Ms. Awadallah's 2nd-period class is hosting a food driver from Monday, October 30 to November 10. All donations can be taken to the front office. Donations will be given to the United Community Ministry. Thank you for supporting Ms. Awadallah's 2nd period class. NHS Members: Mark your calendars for our next meeting on November 17 at 8:30. SGA is selling Grateful Grams for $1.00 starting Tuesday, November 7th. You can buy a gram for a friend and show them your gratitude by writing them a note to go with the candy. Grams will be passed out in AVID the week of Thanksgiving. You can buy your grateful gram during 9:00-9:30 each morning or at lunchtime by the chalkboard. Don't forget there is no school this Friday in observance of Veterans Day. Have a wonderful day!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Veterans Day Event Sponsored by the Communications Team
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with your weekly updates. I hope you all enjoyed the extra hour of sleep gained as a result of observing Daylight Savings. Next week is a short week due to the observance of Veterans Day, and school will be closed on Friday, November 10th. Our Communications Team is hosting our second annual Veterans Day Program on Thursday, November 9th, from 10:00 -11:00 a.m. in the Brown Auditorium. This program is open to the public, and you are invited to attend if your schedules permit. Also, I want to remind families that Thursday is a full day of instruction for our scholars. Although traditional schools in the district will have an early release, we will dismiss at our regular time of 4:30 p.m. · Lastly, we are less than 25 days away from state end-of-course tests and final exams. I encourage families to minimize scholar absences as our teachers provide critical instruction to prepare them. As always, I encourage you to visit our website to remain informed of upcoming events. Enjoy your evening!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Veterans' Day Event
November Newsletter 2023
Ms. Awadallah's Second Period AVID class is hosting a food drive from Nov. 30 to Nov. 10th. Please see the flyer for more details. All donations will be supporting the United Community Ministries.
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Food Drive
Eagle Scholars and Families: Here are today's announcements (Thursday, Nov. 2) NC governor's school applications are now open. Mrs. Sweet sent out the information please email her if you have further questions. Applications are due to Mrs. Sweet By: December 1st. Please ask your teachers for recommendations early (do not wait until the last minute) Please be sure to check your emails for volunteer opportunities Mrs. Sweet has sent out. VOLUNTEER FORMS ARE IN THE KIOSK located at the front office. Scholars, please do not kick soccer balls in the grill or horse-playing. Please be mindful of the noise level in all areas of the school and Nash Community College. Students who are asked to put their Crocs in sports mode should keep their shoes in sports mode! If you are out of dress code and you can not get your parents to bring clothes you will be sent to ISS for the day. Our FCA club is meeting every Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the downstairs D lobby for student-led devotion. Please feel free to join them. The Eagles Communications Team is organizing a Veteran's Day assembly on November 9th and is having an essay/poetry contest for the students. This event is open to families and friends if you plan to have outside guests please fill out the request form that Mrs. Sweet is sending out today. MRS. AWADALLAH 2ND PERIOD IS HOSTING A FOOD DRIVE FROM MON OCT 30TH THROUGH NOV 10TH. PLEASE TAKE ALL CANNED FOOD TO THE FRONT OFFICE. ALL FOODS WILL BE DONATED TO THE UNITED COMMUNITY MINISTRY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS. NEXT NHS MEETING WILL BE NOV 17TH AT 8:30. NO MEETING WILL BE HELD THIS Happy First day of Native American Month! Please send Mrs. Sweet an email with facts about your tribe. Mrs. Sweet is a part of the Haliwa Saponi tribe located in Hollister, NC. Her favorite part of the year is April because she knows she will be able to see all of her family at the pow-wow and celebrate traditions that she has had since she was a young child. Remember, next Thursday, November 9th, is a regular school day for ECHS. It is not an early release day. Enjoy your day!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
The Early College Communications Team invites you to its second annual Veteran's Day event on November 9, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the Nash Community College Brown Auditorium. Please join us as we honor our Veterans.
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Veteran's Day Event
Good morning, Bus 88 does not have a driver. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and have a great day!
9 months ago, Lori Hilliard
Good Evening, Bus 100 for Early College High School will not have a driver in the morning. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great evening.
9 months ago, La'Tricia Morris
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with your updates as we begin to close out October and welcome the month of November. First, I’ll begin by expressing my gratitude and appreciation for Friday’s Fall Festival. To those parents and businesses who provided soft drinks, food, and other items, we cannot thank you enough. Your generosity ensured the success of the event. We also thank those families who brought younger siblings and other family members to support the festival. We hope you enjoyed the activities that our scholars set up for you. And last but certainly not least, great job, Super Seniors, in planning and completing your first fundraising event! Profits from the event were just over $1,800 and will be used towards the end-of-year trip! Parents, Halloween is coming up on Tuesday, and we want to give our scholars an opportunity to have a little fun. Scholars will be allowed to wear costumes as long as the costumes don’t violate the student dress code, as well as additional guidelines that were communicated to all scholars last week. Those guidelines prohibit costumes that depict gore or horror-themed characters. Additionally, masks cannot be worn, and accessories that resemble any type of weapon will not be permitted. Scholars who fail to comply with the costume guidelines will be asked to call home for a change of clothes. Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of signing up and logging into Parent Portal! Parent Portal allows you to view grades and other assessment data. As I mentioned last week, we have 60% of parents signed up, and our goal is to have 90% signed up by Thanksgiving. As always, I encourage you to visit our web page to remain informed of upcoming events. Enjoy your evening!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2023 Weekly News
The ECPS and NCPS Demerger/Transition Plan Team convened on Monday, October 16, for a joint meeting. They delivered presentations to the Nash County Public Schools Board of Education, Nash County Board of Commissioners, Edgecombe County Public Schools Board of Education, and Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners during the meeting. The submission of the transition plan to the state is scheduled for November 15.
9 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
board meeting photo
Eagle Families: Today is picture day! Here is a flyer containing information for ordering your child's picture.
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Picture Day information for ordering pictures
Eagle Families: Picture Day is coming this Thursday, October 26, 2023. See your AVID teacher for more details!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Picture Day is October 26, 2023.
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with your updates as we head into the last full week of October. Parents and Guardians, I want to thank you for signing up and logging into Parent Portal! Currently, we have 60% of parents signed up, and I encourage those who haven’t signed up to do so. Our web page has information that will assist you in completing the sign-up process. Our goal is to have 90% of parents signed up by Thanksgiving. On Thursday, October 26th, our scholars will take individual pictures for inclusion in the yearbook. The Class of 2024 is hosting a Fall Festival fundraiser on October 27th to support their end-of-year trip. Additional details can be found on our web page. We thank you in advance for your support of this event. As always, I ask that you continue to monitor our web page for additional updates and enjoy your evening.
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Eagle News October 23-27, 2023
Fall Festival
Nighthawk Enrollment Day is hosted by Nash Community College on Oct 23 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Brown Auditorium (located in the Business & Industry Center -- Old Carriage Road entrance). This day is for prospective, newly applied, and returning students to get a full day of step-by-step assistance from NCC staff and faculty through registration. College Foundation of North Carolina documents, registration, and financial aid can be intimidating. This is the opportunity to drop in anytime with parents/guardians and their questions. The best part, and the goal, is that students can register for their Spring Semester courses before they leave. There will also be an opportunity to print their schedule, get a Student I.D. made, and pay their tuition if they are ready. Visit for items that may be needed during the event that students will need to bring. If students interested and worried that they haven't applied, there is always time to apply to Nash Community College. Fill out an application at
9 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
nighthawk enrollment day
Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23rd through 31st. We invite you to join us by getting involved and continue to make America Drug-Free. The theme for this year's Red Ribbon Week is, "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.™" #RedRibbonWeek #NCPS #NashCountyPublicSchools #NashCPSchools #NCPSchools #WearRed
9 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23rd through 31st. We invite you to join us by getting involved and continue to make America Drug-Free. The theme for this year's Red Ribbon Week is, "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.™" #RedRibbonWeek #NCPS #NashCountyPublicSchools #NashCPSchools #NCPSchools #WearRed
9 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
Be Kind to Your Mind: Live Drug Free
Eagle Families: Scholars taking Math 1, Math 3, English II, and Biology are required to take NC Check-Ins. These are assessments given throughout the semester to provide information on how students performed on state-administered assessments such as End-of-Grade, End-of-Course, and NCEXTEND1. The scores on these assessments are only one of many indicators of how students are progressing. Test scores should always be considered along with all other available information provided by the teacher about a student. Individual Student Reports are uniform across grade levels; therefore, only one sample is provided for each assessment or subject area. The attached flyer will give you directions on how you can access your child's reports. Please feel free to contact Ms. Godwin for assistance with Parent Portal. You will need an account in Parent Portal to access the reports. Thank you for supporting ECHS!
9 months ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
How To Access NC Check-In Results on Parent Portal