Happy Monday, March 24th! Here are today's announcements: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars! We have 29 instructional days left until EOC TESTING!! The Makerspace and Data Room will be closed and reopen on Tuesday, March 25th. Wednesday, March 26th we will be celebrating scholars that are eligible for PBIS with a hotdog and drink during 1st and 2nd lunch. You will receive a email if you are eligible from Mrs. Copeland. On Thursday, March 27th, the Quiz Bowl Team will hold a fundraiser at Panda Express in Rocky Mount from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They are raising money for a trip to Greece. Thursday, March 27th will be PGC Family Night from 5:30 -7:30 pm. This is an invitation-only event. Please make sure to RSVP. Would you like to be a Peer Leader? You must be an upcoming Junior or Senior. Applications are open until Friday, April 4th. Please turn in your permission slip to Mrs. Copeland. Campbell University's trip has been rescheduled for April 15th. Please turn in permission slips to your AVID teacher by March 28th. Do not turn in permission slips to the front office. PROM SEASON IS AMONG US!! The theme is Masquerade, and the prom is on May 3rd. Tickets are on sale now online. Prom forms are available from Mrs. Copeland and are due by April 28th.
2 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
PBIS Celebration March 26th
Applications are open to be a PGC Leader!
Support the Quiz Bowl Team at Panda Express
PGC Family Night
ECHS Prom May 3rd
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with your announcements for the week of March 24th – 28th: · Our EOC Countdown indicates 29 instructional days remaining before our scholars begin end-of-semester teacher-made exams and End-of-course assessments. Teachers will continue intervention and enrichment support in the coming weeks to ensure our scholars are prepared. We thank you for supporting your scholar's continued attendance in both high school and college courses. · Scholars enrolled in Math 1 and Math 3 will take their NC check-in assessments on Monday, March 24th. · Parents/Guardians of 9th grade scholars are reminded to complete the RSVP Google doc by Monday, March 24th. This is in preparation for the Peer Group Connections (PGC) event that will be held on March 27th from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. · Our Quiz Bowl Team will have a fundraiser at Panda Express in Rocky Mount on Thursday, March 27th. The team will receive a percentage of all sales between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. to support their trip scheduled for next year. · Visit our school website for continuous updates related to our school. · As of this recording, all buses are scheduled to run their routes in the morning. The transportation department will communicate any changes to this status. Thank you, and enjoy your evening!
3 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Quiz Bowl Fundraiser
PGC Family Night (Invitation Only)
PGC Applications
Prom 2025
Happy Wednesday! Here are the announcements for Wednesday, March 19th: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars! We have 32 instructional days left until EOC TESTING!! Please sign up for breakfast tomorrow, March 20th. The Makerspace and Data Room will be closed and reopen on Tuesday, March 25th. Friday, March 21st is an Optional Teacher Workday; so there will be no school for scholars. On Thursday, March 27th, the Quiz Bowl Team will hold a fundraiser at Panda Express in Rocky Mount from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They are raising money for a trip to Greece. Thursday, March 27th will be PGC Family Night from 5:30 -7:30 pm. This is an invitation-only event. Would you like to be a Peer Leader? You must be a Junior or Senior. Applications are open until Friday, April 4th. Please turn in your permission slip to Mrs. Copeland. Campbell University's trip has been rescheduled for April 15th. Please turn in permission slips to your AVID teacher by March 28th. Do not turn in permission slips to the front office. PROM SEASON IS AMONG US!! The theme is Masquerade, and the prom is on May 3rd. Tickets are on sale now online. Prom forms are available from Mrs. Copeland and are due by April 28th.
7 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
PGC Family Night (Invitation Only)
Quiz Bowl Fundraiser
Apply to be a PGC Leader today!
Two ECHS scholars (Carsyn Roughton pictured left; & Demone Frazier, pictured right) were recognized by the Rocky Mount Optimist Club for their academic achievements and service to the community at a reception last night. They are pictured with the keynote speaker, Edgecombe County Sheriff Cleveland Atkinson, Jr.
8 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Rocky Mount Optimist Club honored two scholars in the Class of 2025!
Happy Tuesday! Here are the announcements for March 18th: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars! We have 33 instructional days left until EOC TESTING!! The Makerspace and Data Room will be closed and reopen on Tuesday, March 25th. If you did not receive your Soaring Through the Center and/or NHS certificate please come by the office between 9:45 and 4:00. Friday, March 21st is an Optional Teacher Workday; so there will be no school for scholars. On Thursday, March 27th, the Quiz Bowl Team will hold a fundraiser at Panda Express in Rocky Mount from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They are raising money for a trip to Greece. Thursday, March 27th will be PGC Family Night from 5:30 -7:30 pm. This is an invitation-only event. Would you like to be a Peer Leader? You must be a Junior or Senior. Applications are open until Friday, April 4th. Please turn in your permission slip to Mrs. Copeland. Campbell University's trip has been rescheduled for April 15th. Please turn in permission slips to your AVID teacher by March 28th. Do not turn in permission slips to the front office. PROM SEASON IS AMONG US!! May 3rd is Prom and the theme is Masquerade. Tickets are on sale now online. Prom forms are available with Mrs. Copeland and are due by April 28th.
8 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Quiz Bowl Team fundraiser!
Prom Spring 2025
PGC Leaders are needed!
PGC Family Night (Invitation Only)
PGC Family Night is an invitation-only event. Scholars invited will receive their invitation this week during their AVID class. Please see Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Renck, or Mrs. Wilson if you have any questions or concerns.
9 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
PGC Family Night (Invitation Only)
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Here are the announcements for March 17th: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars! We have 34 instructional days left until EOC TESTING!! If you did not receive your Soaring Through the Center and/or NHS certificate please come by the office between 9:45 and 4:00. Friday, March 21st is an Optional Teacher Workday; so there will be no school for scholars. On Thursday, March 27th, the Quiz Bowl Team will hold a fundraiser at Panda Express in Rocky Mount from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They are raising money for a trip to Greece. Campbell University's trip has been rescheduled for April 15th. Please turn in permission slips to your AVID teacher by March 28th. Do not turn in permission slips to the front office.
9 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
ECHS Prom 2025
Support the Quiz Bowl Team's Fundraiser!
PGC Application for the 2025-2026 School Year!
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with your announcements for the week of March 17th – 21st: · There are 34 instructional days remaining before our scholars begin end-of-semester teacher-made exams and End-of-Course assessments. In the coming weeks, preparations for these tests will include NC check-ins and opportunities for additional support during the instructional day; therefore, attendance for every class is essential. · As a reminder, this Thursday, March 20th, will be a full instructional day for our scholars. There will be no classes for scholars on Friday, March 21st. · Visit our school website for current information. · As of this recording, all buses are scheduled to run their routes in the morning. Any changes to this status will be communicated by the transportation department. Thank you, and enjoy your evening!
10 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
March Newsletter
Quiz Bowl Fundraiser
33 days left till EOCs
Teacher Workday this Friday!
PGC Family Night
The Early College's Quiz Bowl team is having a fundraiser at Panda Express. See the flyer below for details. Let's support them as they raise money to travel to Greece!
13 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Quiz Bowl Team School Fundraiser
Happy Wednesday! Here are today's announcements: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars! Mrs. Miller’s class won the cocoa for Coins for Cocoa!! Congratulations!! Mrs. Sweet will deliver your HOT Cocoa. Today is the last day of the St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser hosted by the Key and Interact Club. Get your final votes in to have your choice of 1 of the 9 teacher and staff volunteers, to wear a leprechaun costume for a full day on March 14th. You can place & purchase your vote for $1 during your AVID class. We can't wait to see who will become a leprechaun! Thursday, March 13th we will be ACT testing for 11th graders only that did not test on Tuesday. Campbell University trip has been rescheduled for April 15th. Please turn in permission slips to your AVID teacher by March 28th. Do not turn in permission slips to the front office. Friday, March 14th the Class of 2025 will be taking cap and gown pictures in the B & I Auditorium.
14 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Congratulations to the ECHS Quiz Bowl Team! We are thrilled to announce that the ECHS Quiz Bowl team won their first match on Thursday, March 6th! 🎉 Their hard work, dedication, and team spirit have truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of how you represented ECHS. This victory is just the beginning, and we can’t wait to see what you achieve next! #ECHSQuizBowl #FlyHighEaglePride
17 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Congratulations, Quiz Bowl Team
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with updates for the week of March 10 - 14th: Our Juniors will take their ACT test on Tuesday, March 11th. All Juniors have been sent an email informing them of their testing locations. Also, on Tuesday, March 11th, we will hold our Soaring Through the Center and National Honor Society Induction Ceremony at 5:30 p.m. in the Brown Auditorium. Invitations for selected scholars have been sent out. On Thursday, our Junior scholars will visit the campus of Campbell University to learn about the academic opportunities provided by the university. On Friday, scholars in the graduating Class of 2025 will take their cap and gown photographs. As of this recording, all buses are scheduled to run their routes in the morning. If there are any changes to this status, the district’s transportation office will send a notification. As always, thanks for your support. Continue to visit our webpage for additional updates.
17 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
March Newsletter brought to you by our Communications Team
NHS Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Soaring Through The Center Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Spring Semester 2025 Test Dates
Class of 2025 Cap and Gown (contact Mrs. Edwards for questions)
Key and Interact Club Fundraiser
Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars! The St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser hosted by the Key and Interact Club has begun. For a dollar, you can vote to have your choice of 1 of the 9 teacher and staff volunteers, to wear a leprechaun costume for a full day on March 14th. This fundraiser will end on March 12th. You can place & purchase your vote for $1 during your AVID class. We can't wait to see who will become a leprechaun! Tonight, Thursday, March 6th will be Five-Year Plan Night for 9th graders only at NCC S & T building from 4:30-6:30; please see your AVID teacher for your invitation and time slot. Bring your laptop and charger for the meeting. Friday, March 7th the Supers will be taking the ACT Workkeys. Please be quiet in the hallways. This day is also a PGC Outreach day. Tuesday, March 11th will be ACT testing for 11th graders only. Tuesday, March 11th will be the NHS Induction and Soaring Through the Center Ceremony from 5:30-6:30 at the B & I Auditorium. Scholars have received an email from Mrs. Davis. 11th grade juniors will be attending Campbell University on March 13th. Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Davis will send out the permission slip forms through your AVID teachers. Permission slips will be due to your AVID teachers by March 11, 2025. Please email your professors if you plan on attending the tour and include Mr. Denton in your email as well..
20 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Soaring Through The Center Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Five Year Plan Meeting for current 9th graders only!
NHS Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Scholars and Parents, Please enjoy the March Newsletter from our Communications Team. Take note of the important events and dates taking place in March.
21 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
March Newsletter
Happy March 5th! Here are the announcements for today: Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars. Happy Ash Wednesday to our Christian scholars. The St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser hosted by the Key and Interact Club has begun. For a dollar, you can vote to have your choice of 1 of the 9 teacher and staff volunteers, to wear a leprechaun costume for a full day on March 14th. This fundraiser will end on March 12th. You can place & purchase your vote for $1 during your AVID class. We can't wait to see who will become a leprechaun! Tomorrow, Thursday, March 6th will be Five-Year Plan Night for 9th graders only at NCC S & T building from 4:30-6:30; please see your AVID teacher for your invitation and time slot. Bring your laptop and charger for the meeting. Friday, March 7th the Supers will be taking the ACT Workkeys. Please be quiet in the hallways. This day is also a PGC Outreach day. Tuesday, March 11th will be ACT testing for 11th graders only. Tuesday, March 11th will be the NHS Induction and Soaring Through the Center Ceremony from 5:30-6:30 at the B & I Auditorium. Scholars have received an email from Mrs. Davis.
21 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
March Newsletter by the Communications Team
NHS Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Soaring Through The Center Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Five Year Plan Meeting for the Class of 2029 (Current 9th graders)
Good Morning. Here are the announcements for March 4th: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. “Ramadan started on Saturday, so Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars.” This will typically last 30 days. The St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser hosted by the Key and Interact Club has begun. For a dollar, you can vote to have your choice of 1 of the 9 teacher and staff volunteers, to wear a leprechaun costume for a full day on March 14th. This fundraiser will end on March 12th. You can place & purchase your vote during lunch in the front lobby of the ECHS building. We can't wait to see who will become a leprechaun! Thursday, March 6th will be Five-Year Plan Night for 9th graders only at NCC S & T building from 4:30-6:30; please see your AVID teacher for your invitation and time slot. Bring your laptop and charger for the meeting. Friday, March 7th the Supers will be taking the ACT Workkeys. Please be quiet in the hallways. This day is also a PGC Outreach day. Tuesday, March 11th will be ACT testing for 11th graders only. Tuesday, March 11th will be the NHS Induction and Soaring Through the Center Ceremony from 5:30-6:30 at the B & I Auditorium. Scholars have received an email from Mrs. Davis.
22 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Soaring Through The Center (Invitation Only)
NHS Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Current 9th graders 5 Year plan event
Happy Monday! Ramadan started on Saturday, so Happy Ramadan to our Muslim scholars.” This will typically last 30 days. Tomorrow starts the St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser hosted by the Key and Interact Club. For a dollar, you can vote to have your choice of 1 of the 9 teacher and staff volunteers, to wear a leprechaun costume for a full day on March 14th. The fundraiser starts tomorrow and ends on the 12th. You can place & purchase your vote during lunch in the front lobby of the ECHS building. We can't wait to see who will become a leprechaun! Thursday, March 6th will be Five-Year Plan Night for 9th graders only at NCC S & T building from 4:30-6:30; please see your AVID teacher for your invitation and time slot. Tuesday, March 11th will be ACT testing for 11th graders only. Tuesday, March 11th will be the NHS Induction and Soaring Through the Center Ceremony from 5:30-6:30 at the B & I Auditorium. Scholars have received an email from Mrs. Davis.
23 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
NHS Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Soaring Through The Center Ceremony (Invitation Only)
FAFSA at SNHS (for the Class of 2025)
Class of 2029 (Current 9th graders) 5 year plan for next school year
Class of 2029, You and your parents are invited for your 5-year plan meeting Thursday, March 6th. Each scholar's time is on the invitation received in your AVID class. See the flyer for more information. We can't wait to see current freshmen attend this meeting!
24 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Class of 2029 (Current 9th graders) 5 year plan night
Good evening, Eagle Families! This is Principal McGeachy with updates for the first week of March. Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events: The ACT WorkKeys assessment will take place this Friday, March 7th, and on March 11th, our Junior scholars will take the ACT. Southern Nash High School will host a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Night on March 5th from 5-7:00 p.m. in their media center for those families who would like to attend. Also, March 7th will mark the end of the Term 3 grading period. Report Cards will be available in Infinite Campus on March 17th. On March 11th, we will have our National Honor Society and Soaring Through the Center ceremony. Additional details can be found on our school website. As of this recording, all buses are scheduled to run their routes in the morning. If there are any changes to this status, the district’s transportation office will update you. As always, thanks for your support. Continue to visit our webpage for additional updates.
24 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
National Honor Society Induction (Invitation Only)
Soaring Through The Center Ceremony (Invitation Only)
FAFSA Night at SNHS for the Class of 2025
FAFSA Night at RMHS for the Class of 2025
Happy Thursday! Today is February 27th. Here are today's announcements: Make sure to check your Nash Community College emails and high school emails at least twice a day and provide a reply to respondents. This Friday, February 28th is Club Day! Thursday, March 6th will be Five-Year Plan Night for 9th graders only at NCC S & T building from 4:30-6:30; please see your AVID teacher for your invitation and time slot. Tuesday, March 11th will be ACT testing for 11th graders only. On Tuesday, March 11th, the NHS Induction ceremony will be from 5:30-6:30 at the B & I Auditorium. Mrs. Davis emailed the scholars who will be inducted yesterday. Have a wonderful day!
27 days ago, Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School
Spring Test Dates
Class of 2029 (current 9th graders) 5 year planning meeting